Products & Services

Individual Life Insurance

GLICO Family Life Comprehensive Plan

The Family Life Comprehensive insurance Plan is a unique Policy which provides a guaranteed minimum lump sum for Policyholders and their families in case of death, permanent disability and critical illness.

Enhanced Life Savings Plan

This is an endowment plan aimed at helping the Life Assured set financial ambitions with a guaranteed lump sum assured benefit at the end of a specified term. The plan also provides lump sum payment for death and total permanent disability ...

Enhanced GLICO Education Endowment Policy

The Enhanced GLICO Education Endowment Policy (E-GEEP) is essentially a savings plan with insurance benefits designed for individuals to accumulate cash for use in financing a child's and/or Policyholder's education. 

GLICO Funeral Policy

This is a whole life policy that covers the Principal Life with an option to cover spouse, children, parents and parents-in-law as well as two extended family members. GLICO Ideal Funeral Plan does not lapse.

GLICO End of Service Benefit

The Policy is a savings benefit and provides life insurance cover as a rider on the Policy to the Policyholder. Additional Covers DeathAccident DisabilityHospital Cash Income

Group Life Insurance

GLICO Group Comprehensive Plan

The GLICO GROUP COMPREHENSIVE PLAN is an employee benefits insurance package designed to give around-the-clock ample protection during the employee’s term of service with your organization.

Travel Insurance

The GLICO-Mapfre Travel Insurance provides adequate cover to relieve travelers financially for emergency medical expenses and hospitalization as well as other costs if any of the assured events occur. 

GLICO Deposit Administration Scheme

The Scheme is a defined contribution arrangement where the cost is pre-determined but the future benefit at retirement or earlier withdrawal is unknown.

GLICO Welfare Policies

This package provides insurance benefits for groups such as Old School Associations, Clubs, and Churches. It requires members contribute regularly to the scheme, preferably on a monthly basis. 

GLICO Mortgage Protection Plan

The GLICO Mortgage Protection Plan has been designed to cover all Mortgagors. The Plan has been designed to make money readily available to the first loss payee if any of the above events occur. This certainly shall give customers peace of mind in all business deals.

GLICO Loan Protection Plan

At GLICO LIFE, we understand that first loss payees give loans to the public in order to stimulate economic activities in the form of loans, overdrafts, credit facilities etc. and relieve beneficiaries of their financial burdens.

GLICO Keyman Protection Plan

An employer having key persons in his employment can take an insurance policy on their lives to reduce the loss impact when the unfortunate circumstance occurs.

Micro Insurance 

GLICO Edwa Nkosoↄ Plan

“Edwa Nkosoↄ” is also a local Akan phrase that translates to “Business Progression”. The GLICO Edwa Nkosoↄ Plan is a bespoke product targeted at the large informal sector workers, who earn daily income and desire to save part of their income daily with some form of insurance cover.

GLICO Anidaso Plan

“Anidaso” is a local Akan word in Ghana that means “hope”. The GLICO Anidaso Plan has been designed to offer potential informal sector policyholders and their families low-cost life insurance and thus provide them unhindered access to insurance products.
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